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Which Survey Do I Need?

There are several different types of surveys available, but which one is most appropriable for your needs? 

This page will help you decide which type of survey is best for you, but please feel free to contact us if you feel you may need help or advice on deciding.

There are three main types of survey available to people looking to purchase a residential property:


Level-1 Home Survey (formerly known as RICS Condition Report)

The Level-1 Home Survey is the most basic type of survey, and is the cheapest.  Costs are typically in the region of £300-£500*.  The report does not go into much detail.  It is designed to complement the mortgage valuation.  It provides a ‘traffic light’ system as to the state of various parts of the property. Green means everything is ok, amber means  there is some cause for concern, and red means serious/urgent repairs are vital.  It also provides you with a summary of the property defects and possible risks affecting the home.  It does not include any advice regarding maintenance or repairs, etc. and does not include a valuation.  This type of survey is designed for properties which are new, or nearly new (less than 5 years old) and is not suitable for older properties, or properties of non-traditional construction.


Level-2 Home Survey (formerly known as RICS HomeBuyer Report)

The Level-2 Home Survey is ideal for standard type properties, built of traditional materials, which are in a reasonable general condition and which have not undergone any major alterations/extensions.  This type of survey is suitable for properties which are no more than approximately 50-60 years old.  Costs for this type of survey are typically in the region of £400-£1000*.


The Leve-2 Home Survey identifies visible defects and gives advice as to what repairs are required, gives commentary on any major future maintenance requirements and looks at the inside and outside of the property as well as the gardens/grounds.


The Level-2 Home Survey can be provided with or without a valuation however, GAR Property Consultants Ltd do not provide any valuation services at the present time.


Level-3 Home Survey (formerly known as RICS Building Survey)

This type of survey is also often referred to as a 'full building survey' or 'full structural survey'. This type of survey is ideal for older properties, listed buildings, properties which may have undergone major renovations, alterations and/or extensions, larger properties, or those of non-traditional/uncommon construction types (such as concrete frame, metal frame, or timber framed properties, etc.). This type of survey typically costs around £800-£2000*.


The Level-3 Home Survey provides all the same detail as the Level-2 Home Survey, plus:

  • A more thorough, detailed inspection looking in detail at older and non-standard construction methods/materials.

  • More in-depth advice regarding remedial works/repairs which may be necessary.

  • More detailed advice regarding the long-term maintenance issues relating to owning an older or larger property.

*Figures quoted are a guide only and exact costs of surveys are dependant on the age, size, location, complexity and general overall condition of each property being surveyed.  All our surveys are priced individually.  Please contact us for a free, no-obligation quotation.

CLICK HERE to see an easy to understand comparison chart for the various types of surveys available (Source: RICS).



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